Start collaborating!

Choose the plan that aligns with your goals, and I'll get to work for you. Whether you're aiming for an exceptional candidate experience, smart tools for your recruitment process, or complete support—I'm here for you. Clear, transparent, and result-oriented. You decide, I do the work. Together, we strive for success!

Prefer a convo first?

Kickstart your recruitment


(save 20% per year)

Engagement Boost

Everything for a top-notch candidate experience

€625/mth €499/mth

Per month, based on a yearly subscription

Subscribe Subscribe

This includes:

  • Pre-selection with WhatsApp
  • Database activation with WhatsApp
  • Reach-out with WhatsApp
  • Your personal hub
  • Up-to-date candidate info

Empowered Recruitment

Everything a recruiter can dream of.

€625/mth €499/mth

Per month, based on a yearly subscription

Subscribe Subscribe

This includes:

  • Automatic reminders
  • Automatic candidate journeys
  • (re)Writing vacancies
  • (re)Writing candidate profiles
  • Your personal hub
  • Up-to-date candidate profiles
  • 15 users

Ultimate Recruitment Solution

Seamless support, maximum impact for the entire organization

€1250/mth €998/mth

Per month, based on a yearly subscription

Subscribe Subscribe

This includes:

  • Everything from Engagement Boost
  • Everything from Empowered Recruitment




based on a yearly subscription



based on a yearly subscription

Total Solution


based on a yearly subscription

Pre-selection with WhatsAppcheckcheck
Database activation with WhatsAppcheckcheck
Reach-out with WhatsAppcheckcheck
Your personal hubcheckcheckcheck
Up-to-date candidate infocheckcheckcheck
Automatic reminderscheckcheck
Automatic candidate journeyscheckcheck
(re)Writing vacanciescheckcheck
(re)Writing candidate profilescheckcheck


Check out the most frequently asked questions and discover how I can support you in your work.

No time to lose! Depending on the ATS you use, I can get you live in no-time. With Tigris, you're up and running the fastest, but also with Carrerix or RecruitNow, I have everything ready within a month. Once your account is activated, you can get started right away.

Want to work flexibly? No problem! You can choose between monthly and annual contracts. Monthly contracts are nicely flexible, but for a year you’ll get the best deal. You decide what works for you.

Everything is safe and under control. Are you stopping (temporarily)? Of course, I rather not see you go, but no problem, I ensure that all your data is safely stored. Are you coming back? Then you'll be live again in no time, without hassle.

Absolutely! Flexibility is what I’m made of. Do you need more or less? You can upgrade or downgrade at any time, so your subscription always perfectly matches your changing needs.


Keep in mind that I'm most flexible with my montly subscriptions.

Certainly! Do you have questions or just want some extra advice? I'm just one click away. Together, we ensure that you get the MAXIMum out of every function! 😉

Let’s keep you up-to-date

I’ll make sure you always have access to the latest news, trends, and cases that truly help you move forward. No boring info, but content that inspires you.


Sleeping talent? Reactivate your database in 5 steps!

Learn how smart tools help you save time and build valuable connections.


The evolution of AI in recruitment

Discover how AI has changed recruitment. From digital tools in the '90s to adaptive AI today.


How AI is transforming recruitment

Learn how smart tools help you save time and build valuable connections.

And there is more...